Why Every Shooter Needs Backup Sights
Apart from some traditionalists, iron sights don't often get much respect these days. After all, with high-powered optics and even sights with smartphone-enhanced live HUDs, who needs a set of backup sights? Well, just about everyone. That's who. Just because iron sights are old-fashioned, that doesn't mean they don't still have a place on modern weaponry. They're exactly the sort... -
Buttpads, Buttstocks, and Cheek Risers...OH MY!
Stability is everything when you're trying to hit your target, and the right accessories for your stock can make all the difference! Many longer guns already come with a stock, allowing it to nestle into your shoulder for added stability when aiming and firing. In other situations, it's possible to add a stock to weapons that didn't originally have one... -
Gifts for Hunters: GL Shock, RDS, M21, Ultimag 5R, AGM500FKSB
The holiday season is upon us, and if you’re anything like me you have several folks on your list to buy for that are avid hunters. Here at Mako, we often market our items as being perfect for law enforcement, military, or the everyday shooter but may not mention that there are a lot of great options for hunters Continue reading → -
Buyers Beware: Don't be Fooled by FT Bullseye Poseurs
It’s true; the Meprolight FT Bullseye is a one-of-a-kind rear-only micro optic pistol sight. Now, for those industry buffs who really know their sights, they might recall the TAS- which is also a rear-only sight. Those buffs might think that the FT Bullseye is a copycat version of the TAS, and they’re not entirely wrong, but they’re not entirely correct... -
New Product Highlights for 2016
With the new year always comes the announcement of new products and The Mako Group’s collection of companies have a lot to offer shooters in 2016. Just a few of the new offerings from The Make Group brands, FAB Defense, E-Lander Mags, Front Line holsters, RTS Targets and Meprolight include:Meprolight TRU-DOT RDS This new product has great quality and value is an unbeatable combination for anybody, particularly a shooting enthusiast looking to trick out his tactical rifle with a pinpoint accurate red dot sight. The TRU-DOT RDS was developed in Israel and is now available in the states at the ridiculously great low price of $399. Combat quality for a price a working man can afford will make this compact, energy-efficient and rugged red dot a must-have for your tactical rifle. Continue reading →
Competitive Shooting is an Equal Playing Field
I've been asked many times if it was difficult for me, as a woman, to get into shooting. The truth is, for me, it wasn't. But it's not just me. I've asked many women if they felt like it was difficult to get into shooting, or if they felt like they didn't fit in. Almost all of them said no... -
Online Shooting Community
Just like any other community, there is a pretty decent online presence for shooters. From online forums/discussion boards provided by the Civilian Marksmanship Program for gun collectors as well as different types of competitors, to a Twitter account called @shooter_probz, shooters of all ages and interests can find a place on the Internet to discuss, read about and even buy what they love.Continue reading →
Shooting Sports Requirement: Fitness
In precision rifle shooting, we do this thing a lot called "standing still." Now, this seemingly simple task leads to many misconceptions and many well-meant, honestly curious questions, that if we weren't so used to it, would probably be pretty offensive to most shooters. These questions include things such as, "are you guys, like, real athletes?" and "wait so, do you have to workout?" If you couldn't guess, the answers to these are yes, and you got it, yes.We are real athletes (rifle is a real sport), and not all shooters, but the best rifle shooters, generally have some sort of regular, sport-specific, work out routine that keeps them in pretty good shape. Of course, different shooters' workout routines differ, some being more intensive than others. But these workout programs generally have a few things in common. Continue reading →
The Importance of a Shot Plan
Much like martial arts, one of the best things about shooting is the discipline and focus it teaches. This discipline comes in many forms. But I think the best example of the way the discipline of shooting carries over into everyday life is through the infamous shot plan.Continue reading →
Shooting Sports Community
I grew up playing a variety of sports: soccer, volleyball, lacrosse, basketball (until everyone grew taller and taller and I stayed short), etc. I love sports. I always have. I love the competitive atmosphere, the heartache and the euphoria they evoke, I love it all. But what has always fascinated me about sports is how different the communities are.Continue reading →